Creating Where We Live - Home

Kevin grew up with parents Allen and Betty Bash who believed that giving back to the community was essential. His father served for decades as an honored Scout Master, Little League President and his mother served Norco as a leading member of Soroptimist International.
Both were instrumental in creating the City of Norco, protecting the equestrian lifestyle and donated generously to youth groups and non-profit organizations. Councilman Bash has followed in those footsteps.
Councilman Bash has been blessed to work in key positions on the following projects with some of the most gifted, creative and hardworking volunteers/staffers/elected officials one can imagine.
"In an age of people talking to one another through machines, my goal is to get folks to see and hear other folks face to face. To create together, to remember those incredible Americans who came before us, to talk, to listen, to understand a neighbors pain, happiness, to give a hand, to build our coming days together and to pass the baton. We are in this together after all."
Kevin Bash

George Ingalls Veterans Memorial Plaza
A true community effort to celebrate Norco's 50th Anniversary as a city. Begun with no money whatsoever and only a few months to build, an incredible group of volunteers, local businesses, and veterans came together to construct what many feel is the finest Memorial in California honoring veterans and those who did not come.

Supporting Our Children
To combat juvenile obesity, drug, drinking and vape use, bullying and an addiction to hand held devices, Norco, since the creation of the old Parks and Recreation District in 1948, has worked to keep kids out of the back of patrol cars through all kinds of sports, equestrian activities, scouting, and too many activities to mention.
Every sitting councilperson has extensive experience coaching, sponsoring and taking leadership roles in youth sports, equestrian competitions and much, much more.

Discovering Norco's Heritage
No one knew the rich and amazing history of Norco, California; from an early granite producer and haven for rattlesnakes, rabbits and coyotes to Horse Town USA is a simply amazing story. Most exciting has been the opportunity to interview so many people who played a part in Norco's founding and development. At left, Councilman Bash interviews Ellen Revelle, daughter of Rex Clark: founder of Norco and builder of the fabulous Norconian Resort Supreme.

Honoring Norco's Fallen Heroes
The opportunity to discover, document and, most importantly, remember those Norconian's who gave all in perpetuity.

Norco Film Festival
Created to celebrate Norco's 50th Anniversary of Incorporation and to raise funds for current Norco High Students and teachers, the Norco Film Festival has become an annual event. Each year a new theme is chosen to highlight Norco's History. Highlights have included films shot in the community, a slate of 1940s movies commemorating the 75th Anniversary of WWII and a variety of Vietnam War films.
Guest speakers have included Pearl Harbor Survivor Mal Middlesworth, Mary Kramer, the daughter of Holocaust Survivors Harry and Hida Eisen, a panel of Vietnam Veterans and celebrities Michael Parks (Then Came Bronson, Twin Peaks, and numerous other films and television programs) and Burt Ward (Batman).

National 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemorative Partner Program
Norco was the first commemorative partner in California and second in the nation to be part of the National Program to remember and honor locally those who fought and were lost during the Vietnam War.

Co-Founding the Lake Norconian Club Foundation
The award winning LNCF began as a grass roots non-profit designed to Save the Norconian and has grown to encompass artifact protection, numerous events and fundraisers to develop awareness and raise much needed funds and is nationally known as a preservation organization to be reckoned with.

Norco Rolling Devils Wheel Chair Basketball Tournament
Councilman Bash created this tournament, but, today it is organized by the City of Norco and directed by dedicated volunteers Richard Boyle and Gerald Eagans. Begun as a tribute to the first organized wheel chair basketball game between two organized teams in history (Norco Naval Hospital vs. Birmingham VA - 1947) and named after the first nationally recognized team (Norco Rolling Devils), the tournament has grown to become the only National Wheel Chair Basketball Association sanctioned in Riverside County. A highlight is the yearly exhibition game for incarcerated veterans at the California Rehabilitation Center (former US Naval Hospital Corona in Norco), on the very floor where the first game was played.

Remembering and Honoring Norco Pioneers
People want to know that what they have done will not be forgotten. Many events have been organized to bring attention to those who contributed so much to our community.

George Ingalls Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2010, this $2,500.00 is awarded to the top Norco High School Air Force JR ROTC graduating senior: competition is very tough. Councilman Bash created the scholarship and oversees funding. Members of the Norco American Legion independently select the recipient. Every recipient is now either completing a college ROTC program or an officer in the United States Military.

Norco High Veteran's Appreciation Day
Veteran's are honored with a brunch, and, most importantly, students get to hear their stories first hand.

What's in a Name?
After 75 years, thanks to the Seal Beach Command, the local Navy base finally and proudly displays the name "Norco". Today we are known as the Naval Warfare Center Seal Beach Detachment Norco! The tenant laboratory however is still known at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Corona Division - but, we are working on that!

Lake Norconian Founders Day Ride
To celebrate Norco's 85th Birthday as a community, the Lake Norconian Club Foundation and the Navy joined together to organize the first ride around the Lake Norconian in over 70 years. There have since been several such rides!

March Air Reserve Base Historic Hanger 385
Though this historic hanger was eventually and needlessly torn down, the battle shined a light on the Federal Government's and State Historic Preservation Officer's mis-handling of our military historic resources. Hopefully, a new day of respect will result.

Helping the Business Owner
With the new commerce brought to Norco comes bigger success for small and large companies. Silverlakes in particular has been a "game changer" for so many businesses in Norco, particularly restaurants. The entire City Council supports Grand Openings, Anniversaries: any and all ways to support the folks who have laid their time and money, sometimes their life savings, on the line.

Norco Kiwanis Holiday Dinner and Gift Programs
Kiwanis is active in the community in dozens of ways: scholarships, supporting other charities and non-profits and partnering with Stater Bros. and Costco to supply Holiday Dinners for needy families and seniors at Clark Terrace and Heritage Park. The Norco Kiwanis also see to it that the children of a parent incarcerated at the California Rehabilitation Center have some pretty special Christmas gifts.

Historical Presentations
In an effort to get the word out about the Norconian and Naval Heritage of Norco, thousands of man hours have been spent culling archives across the nation for photos and documents and at great cost, displays using these materials have been used for dozens of lectures and exhibited on multiple occasions and given, free of charge, to those that wish to create their own displays.

Olympic Athletes Meet Norco High Swim Team
An amazing day that began with interviewing Gold Medalists Sammy Lee, Vicki Draves and famed coach Lyle Draves. Diver Lee competed at the Norconian and later gave demonstrations at the US Naval Hospital. Coach Lyle gave exhibitions at the old resort which included dressing up in a chicken suit and actually setting himself on fire before diving into the pool.
The day ended with a meet and greet between the three Swimming and Diving Hall of Famers and the Norco High Swim Team. Fantastic Day.

Annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Intended to be done once to bring attention to and commemorate Norco's connection to the infamous December 7th Attack (the first patients to arrive at the brand new USNH Norco were from Pearl Harbor), public demand was such that the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day has become an annual event. Now in its 12th year, this collaboration between the Lake Norconian Club Foundation and the Navy has grown to become one of the largest ceremonies on the west coast and hundreds attend each year.

National Register Nomination
After a decade of much inexplicable opposition and attempting to get the true story told, the US Naval Hospital Corona and Fleet Missile Systems Analysis and Evaluation Group (both in Norco) were nominated for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Taking the Bull by the Horns!
Lasted 6 seconds at a Norco Fair Rodeo exhibition!

Veteran's Stories
Have had the honor to collect over 100 interviews with WWII, Korean War, Vietnam and Desert Storm Veterans! These have been collected so future generations will know these heroes stories.

Norco Intermediate High School Museum
Have prepared multiple displays and supplied historic research to assist local intermediate school students in learning about Norco's history and creating a community museum.

Veteran's Meet Our Youth
Created multiple opportunities for WWII Veterans to directly tell their stories to young folks. Norco school age kids and teenagers have had the opportunity to meet and speak with WWII vets who battled at Iwo Jima, Pearl Harbor, Midway and the Battle of the Bulge; Korean War veterans who fought at Heartbreak Ridge; and Inchon, and Vietnam vets who fought at he Tet Offensive and The Battle of Hamburger Hill.

Anniversary of Famed Pedley Field Photo
To commemorate the photo taken just before Pedley Field was developed, Norconians turned out to take an anniversary image at Pikes Peak Park.

Founder's Day Photo #1
To celebrate Norco 50th year as a city, organized with the Parks and Recreation Department a photo of Norconians who had lived in the community before incorporation and another photo of as many Mayors and councilpersons as possible.

Founder's Day Photo #2
To celebrate Norco's 50 Anniversary, Norco High Graduates gathered for a once in a lifetime photo on the football field!

Kiwanis 5K Run
Co-creator of the Annual Kiwanis 5k Run around the Lake Norconian. Today, dedicated members of the Norco Kiwanis and other volunteers work hard to put together this much anticipated community event.

Save the Norconian
Have fought an uphill battle to preserve and protect the famed Norconian Resort along with a group of dedicated volunteers.

Welcome Home!
Honored to assist in the organization of several welcome home events.

Norco College
Honored to serve on the Norco College President's Advisory Council, have served on Chancellor and College President's Search Committees. Norco College is a crown jewel of Norco and the surrounding area!

Supporting scout projects large and small, girl or boy is a passion!

Norco High School Air Force JR ROTC
A vitally important organization that produces simply amazing young adults; these "kiddos" give great hope for the future. Their contributions to the community are without equal.