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Bring Home the Bacon
Creating Commerce

Kevin Bash brings extensive business experience to the Norco City Council.  He grew up in the family owned Town and Country Day School and today serves as a director.  Councilman Bash has also served on numerous public and private sector boards, commissions and worked as both employee,  management and owner.  He is current with employment laws and policies and well-versed in the differences between public entities and the private sector.  Councilman Bash also understands that creating commerce is never ending, can be a roller coaster, is ever fluid and one must be ever-vigilant to protect as much as possible against down turns and to capitalize when the economy is strong.


Through consensus building (essential), hard work, a lot of help, wise whole council decisions, creativity and tenacity Kevin Bash has been a key team player to bringing the City of Norco back from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.


Because of Norco's large lots our property tax pool of money, particularly after the huge cut kept by Sacramento, simply has never, nor will it in the future, sustain the cost of public safety, roads, parks, etc. 


The reality is Norco lives and dies on sales tax revenues (a huge chunk of which is also kept by Sacramento).


Prior to 2009, Norco almost completely depended on revenues from the auto mall to sustain our lifestyle and when the Great Recession hit and auto sales dropped like a rock, Norco was in serious financial trouble.


A key goal in 2010 was to never again completely depend upon the auto mall as the primary source of sales tax revenue: meaning don't put all of our eggs in one basket.


A concerted effort was begun to attract businesses that were diversified, point of sale, significant in their tax dollar returns and did not impact the lifestyle of Norco.  Council members actively took the lead to personally attract commerce and over time, the effort paid off.  This has had one negative: some businesses/developers state Norco is unfriendly: this is true if you are attempting to build a truck depot, massive housing project, or wish to skirt the building or architectural codes.


A second goal was to support existing businesses to climb out of the economic downturn and be successful once again. Council members attended at every opportunity not only Grand Openings, but, all kinds of special events, anniversaries, even sales to promote and support existing mom and pop shops to major franchise companies.  Not a few unneeded items were purchased and later donated to used for non-profit auctions.


For a city our size, the quality and diversity of businesses who now call Norco home is very nearly unheard of: literally hundreds of businesses large and small have chosen Horse Town USA to set up shop. Below are businesses attracted in recent years.


While some of the basic principals are the same, there are major differences between private and public sector business. City's like Norco are always at the mercy of Sacramento. Last year, our State Capitol received 85 million from our community in property and sales tax revenues and let us have back about 9 million or so to take care of police, fire, roads and the like.  Tell me what private sector company could survive a system that 90% of their revenue was taken away.  It's time to control our own finances and keep Norco "Norco"!

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Kevin Bash to Norco City Council ID #1406492

ADDRESS:  3614 Pedley Avenue, Norco, CA 92860

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