Serving the City of Norco
Protect Norco: Our Patch of Green Surrounded by a Growing Sea of Urban Concrete
About Kevin

Kevin moved to Norco, before incorporation, with his parents and three brothers in 1961. He grew up on the back of a horse, played baseball and basketball in the city recreation leagues, and attended local schools until graduating from Norco High School in 1973.
Keeping Norco - "Norco"!

Key to keeping Norco "Norco" - protecting our lifestyle, which at its core fosters elbow room and open space, is electing officials that will vote in line with our charter, Municipal Code, Strategic Plan and willing to fight California State Legislators bent on destroying local control: meaning strip Norconian's of their ability to have a voice about their community. Elected officials must also encourage residents to make lifestyle choices that promote caring and paying for the additional expense of maintaining a half-acre or more of land. Historically, this has been animal keeping: primarily horses.
Bring Home the Bacon
Creating Commerce

Through consensus building (essential), hard work, a lot of help, creativity and tenacity Kevin Bash has been a key team player to bringing the City of Norco back from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.
A key goal was to never again completely depend upon the auto mall as the primary source of sales tax revenue.
Norco's greatest asset is elbow room and space to breath. We live in a rare Southern California middle class community where you are not living ten feet from a neighbor; we are blessed to live a lifestyle generally only reserved for the very wealthy.
Creating Where We Live -
Keeping the Eye on the Ball
Future Challenges and Goals

Kevin grew up with parents Allen and Betty Bash who believed that giving back to the community was essential. His father served for decades as an honored Scout Master, Little League President and
his mother served Norco as a leading member of Soroptimist International.
Both were instrumental in creating the City of Norco, protecting the equestrian lifestyle and donated generously to youth groups and non-profit organizations.
Councilman Bash has followed in those footsteps.

The Great Recession of 2009 decimated Norco financially and the recovery has been slow and extremely difficult with lay-offs, reduction of services and other belt tightening measures.
Nevertheless, we as a community despite increased interference from Sacramento and whole cities growing up around us, have maintained our life style, diversified our income stream, strengthened public safety, and today enjoy roughly a ten million dollar reserve as a rainy day fund against future economic downturns and as a small hedge against an catastrophic disaster.
Now, like all California cities we must address our future streets, pipes and facility needs.
Getting It Done!
Key Accomplishments

Kevin has been blessed to work with some of the most gifted, creative and hardworking volunteers/staffers/elected officials one can imagine.
Councilman Bash has been honored to play everything from key roles, to supporting player for some truly amazing projects.
"What is most important for me is does a project or cause get passed on with others taking charge and stand the test of time? Incredibly many have and for others the verdict is still out."
Kevin Bash
For Norco to stay "Norco", we must preserve large lots to trails to open space.
Voting for Kevin
Articles, Books and Videos

Councilman Bash has a decades long record of supporting and creating all manner of non-profits that range from at risk youth, senior issues, special needs challenges, veterans and historic preservation.
To honor his father, Allen Bash a WWII Combat Marine and one time Boy Scout, Kevin has carried on the tradition of supporting scouting of all kinds.

If you would like to join the growing list of people wishing to endorse Kevin Bash for Re-Election 2018 - follow the link below and Thank you!
“Kevin’s continuing advocacy and support for senior programs in Norco
has helped to improve the quality of life for seniors in this community and
for that we are most grateful.”
Lou Moore - Volunteer/Senior Advocate

Kevin has teamed with family and friends, as well as on his own, to write several Norco history, Norconian and local Navy based books and articles to tell the story of the community and bring attention to preservation efforts. All proceeds go to the Lake Norconian Club Foundation.
He has also put together several simple videos telling our communities stories and to garner support for preservation and National Register listing.
There is a reality that we must face, if our rare life style is to survive: like all communities in California; Norco's sales and property tax revenues are subject to the whims of Sacramento legislators and can be raided at any time. We must seek funding sources that are 100% locally controlled.
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